
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 - Vol.14
Evaluation of Environmental Impact of Car Sharing in Consideration of Uncertainty of Influential Variables
Katsuya Tsuji, Kiyo Kurisu, Jun Nakatani, and Yuichi Moriguchi
car sharing, Monte Carlo simulation, rebound effect, environmental impact
No.3 - Vol.14
Model-Based Deterioration Estimation with Cyber Physical System
Tomoaki Hiruta and Yasushi Umeda
maintenance, deterioration, cyber physical system
No.4 - Vol.14
Environmental and Economic Evaluation of a Mechanical Biological Treatment System for a Small and Medium-Sized Waste Treatment Facility Considering the Karatsu Smart Disaster-Resilience Base Construction Project
Akihisa Ogawa, Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo, Daiki Yoshidome, and Hiroshi Onoda
waste management, sewage treatment, disaster resilience, methane-fermentation, mechanical biological treatment
No.5 - Vol.14
Task Scheduling of Material-Handling Manipulator for Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Flow-Type FMS
Ryo Yonemoto and Haruhiko Suwa
energy-efficiency, productivity, manufacturing system, scheduling, industrial robot
No.5 - Vol.14
Potential Impacts of the European Union’s Circular Economy Policy on Japanese Manufacturers
Yasushi Umeda, Kazunori Kitagawa, Yayoi Hirose, Keiko Akaho, Yuko Sakai, and Makoto Ohta
circular economy, industrial policy, Japanese manufacturers, business model, digital transformation

Count period : November 1-30, 2020

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