
JRM Vol.23 No.3 p. 327
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2011.p0327


Special Issue on New Frontiers in Research on Robotics and Mechatronics (Part 2)

Yasuhisa Hasegawa and Keiji Suzuki

June 20, 2011
Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2010 (ROBOMEC’10) was held at Asahikawa Taisetsu arena in Asahikawa, Japan on June 13-16, 2010, sponsored by the Robotics and Mechatronics Division of the Japan Society ofMechanical Engineers (JSME). Prof. Masashi Furukawa of Hokkaido University served as the General Chair and Prof. Keiji Suzuki of Hokkaido University as the Program Chair. The conference theme was “Robotics, Mechatronics, Big-bang, Frontier,” detailing expectations of major technology expansion in robotics and mechatronics. Over 1,100 presentations were made in 86 sessions, and participants numbered 1500 including those from abroad, making it a great success. The ROBOMEC’10 program committee selected 136 outstanding presentations. We recommended that authors submit their original works to this issue, and then received 53 papers. This special issue, Part 2, presents 14 papers strictly reviewed and accepted from among them. 15 accepted papers have already appeared in Part 1 (Vol.23, No.2). The remaining accepted papers will appear in the next issue as regular papers. We are pleased with the very high quality of these papers, and are confident that readers will find them both interesting and instructive in the fields of robotics and mechatronics. We thank the authors for their invaluable contributions and the reviewers for their time and effort. We also thank Editor-in-Chief Prof. Tatsuo Arai of Osaka University for organizing this special issue.
Cite this article as:
Y. Hasegawa and K. Suzuki, “Special Issue on New Frontiers in Research on Robotics and Mechatronics (Part 2),” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.23 No.3, p. 327, 2011.
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