
JRM Vol.15 No.5 pp. 528-536
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2003.p0528


Development of Simple Search Device by Person's Power

Tomoharu Doi, Hisanobu Tamari, Tadashiro Kaneda, Toshitaka Umemoto, and Yasumasa Yoshitani

Osaka Prefectural College of Technology, 26-12 Saiwai-cho, Neyagawa-city, Osaka, 572-8572 Japan

April 6, 2003
May 19, 2003
October 20, 2003
robot, rescue, generator, rescue tool, rescue robot
In recent years, attention has been paid to the application of robotics in accident or disaster sites with the possibility of secondary disasters. However most of the techniques employing robotics in such studies are highly advanced and expensive. The authors aim to design a robotic technique applicable to an actual site and propose a rescue robot that is intuitive and easy to operate and at relatively low cost. This report describes the development of a simple search device using human power that is one of the specific examples of such a robot.
Cite this article as:
T. Doi, H. Tamari, T. Kaneda, T. Umemoto, and Y. Yoshitani, “Development of Simple Search Device by Person's Power,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.15 No.5, pp. 528-536, 2003.
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