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Self-Position Detection System Using a Visual-Sensor for Mobile Robots
Takayuki Tanaka*, Yasunori Yamazaki**, Hiroki Watanabe*, Takeshi Katae* and Kazuo Yamafuji*
*Department of Mechanical Control Engineering, Unversity of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
**Factory Automation Division, Seiko-Epson Corporation, 1-16-15 Daieicho, Okaya, Nagano 394-0025, Japan
Received:September 21, 1998Accepted:February 1, 1999Published:February 20, 1999
Keywords:mobile robot, self position detection, CCD camera, lighting landmarks
We have been developing an intelligent mobile robot for use as an office building secretary or aid during the day and a security guard or maintenance engineer, e.g., for cleaning floors, at night. Since the robot works and moves autonomously among people in an office environment, it must be able to recognize its own location and environment. We proposed two types of self-positoin detection based on a visual sensor. One is global self-positioning (GSP) by recognizing a room number. The other is local self-positioning (LSP) calculating the relationship between the robot and three light landmarks such as two exit lamps and a fire hydrant lamp in corridors. Experiments verified the effectiveness of the robot's self-position detection.
Cite this article as:T. Tanaka, Y. Yamazaki, H. Watanabe, T. Katae, and K. Yamafuji, “Self-Position Detection System Using a Visual-Sensor for Mobile Robots,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.11 No.1, pp. 17-24, 1999.Data files: