
JRM Vol.7 No.6 pp. 429-435
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1995.p0429


Development of Micro Actuator Using ER Fluid

Akihito Sano*, Junji Furusho** and Hideo Fujimoto*

*Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466 Japan

**Dept. of Mechanical and Control Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, 182 Japan

October 25, 1995
November 2, 1995
December 20, 1995
Robotics, Micro actuator, Fluid driven device, Electro-rheological fluid, Micro valve
In recent years, a great deal of research has been done in the area of micro electro mechanical systems (MEMSs). Among the elements of micro machines, the micro actuator is very important. In this paper, a fluiddriven micro actuator using an electro-rheological (ER) fluid is discussed. The proposed actuator consists of micro valves, a piston and a cylinder. These ER micro valves do not require mechanical parts because they form chain clusters like bridges between the electrodes. As a result, the ER actuator can be driven at 75Hz and generate 60gf.
Cite this article as:
A. Sano, J. Furusho, and H. Fujimoto, “Development of Micro Actuator Using ER Fluid,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.7 No.6, pp. 429-435, 1995.
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