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Distributed Control System for Six-Legged Walking Robot
Ryoichi Nakayama, Hitoshi Iida, Hisashi Hozumi,
Satoshi Okada, Hideharu Okano and Tatsuo Miyazawa
Nuclear Engineering Lab., Toshiba Corp. 8, Shinsugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama, 235 Japan
Received:October 19, 1993Accepted:October 30, 1993Published:December 20, 1993
Keywords:Walking robot, Distributed control, Static walking
In this paper, describe a walking robot system which has been developed based on the assumption that it will be used to perform visual inspections. The robot is designed to be static walking and cableless. The six legs are disposed symmetrically around the center of the robot's body, and each modular leg comprises a number of links. The distributed control concept is adopted for the control system, which consists of a main controllers a sub-controller, and local controllers. The local controllers and driver circuits for the DC servo motors are mounted on the individual leg modules, and special-purpose small lightweight units have been developed. The robot is automatically controlled by a sub-controller which receives walk commands from the remote unit's main controller.
Cite this article as:R. Nakayama, H. Iida, H. Hozumi, S. Okada, H. Okano, and T. Miyazawa, “Distributed Control System for Six-Legged Walking Robot,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.5 No.6, pp. 570-574, 1993.Data files: