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Measurement System for Multiple Degrees of Freedom Moving Robot
Kiyoshi Takamasu
Department of Precision Machinery Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan
Received:September 18, 1993Accepted:September 23, 1993Published:October 20, 1993
Keywords:Moving robot, Optical measurement, Piezoelectric device, Laser interferometer
The multiple degrees of freedom (multi-DOF) moving robot and its measurement system have been developed realize a positioning system with high flexibility. The multi-DOF robot is driven by six piezo-electric devices; and it moves in two modes, an absolute motion mode and a relative motion mode. In the absolute motion mode, it walks on a surface plate by a two-dimensional inchworm method having 3-DOF, in X and Y directions and a rotation. After a frame body is fixed, a center table can be positioned on 6-DOF. For measuring its position, the novel position measurement system has been developed. It has two measurement modes; an absolute measurement mode and a relative measurement mode. In the absolute mode, the two-dimensional position of the robot can be calculated from the length of a laser interferometer and the angle of a tracking mirror. After the tracking mirror is fixed, the relative displacement of the center table is measured by the laser interferometer, and the position of a reflecting laser beam is measured on a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD). We conclude that the high flexibility positioning system can be realized using the multi-DOF robot and the measurement system.
Cite this article as:K. Takamasu, “Measurement System for Multiple Degrees of Freedom Moving Robot,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.5 No.5, pp. 453-456, 1993.Data files: