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The Designing Principles and Methods of Mechatronics Device and Product System
Zhu Zhong-gan* and Makoto Kajitani**
*University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chendu, Sichuan, P.R. China
**University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, 182 Japan
Received:April 14, 1993Accepted:April 24, 1993Published:October 20, 1993
Keywords:Mechatronics, Designing principle, Function analysis, Optimization of designs
The designing principles and methods of mechatronics have been expounded in some paper,1-3) which include, 1) the designing principles of device and product (i.e. D&P) system, 2) the designing principles of information flow, 3) the designing principles of establishing a unified physical model. This paper focuses on the designing principles and methods of mechatronic D&P system. There are four principles, 1) The function analysis of the D&P, 2) the realization of various functional blocks and determination of feasible designing plans, 3) comprehensive evaluation of various plans and optimization of designs, 4) the physical analysis and design of the D&P system.
Cite this article as:Z. Zhong-gan and M. Kajitani, “The Designing Principles and Methods of Mechatronics Device and Product System,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.5 No.5, pp. 424-426, 1993.Data files: