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An Efficient Path-Planning Algorithm for a Robotic Manipulator by Automatic Selection Search of Indispensable Regions in Its Configuration Space
Hiroshi Noborio, Motohiko Watanabe and Takeshi Fujii
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University, 18-8 Hatsu-cho, Neyagawa, Osaka 572, Japan
Received:April 7, 1991Accepted:May 31, 1992Published:October 20, 1992
Keywords:Obstacle avoidance, Motion planning, Manipulator, Intelligent robot
In this paper, we propose a feasible motion planning algorithm for a robotic manipulator and its obstacles. The algorithm quickly selects a feasible sequence of collision-free motions while adaptively expanding a graph in the implicit configuration joint-space. In the configuration graph, each arc represents an angle difference of the manipulator joint; therefore, an arc sequence represents a continuous sequence of robot motions. Thus, the algorithm can execute a continuous sequence of collision-free motions. Furthermore, the algorithm expands the configuration graph only in space which is to be cluttered in the implicit configuration joint-space and which is needed to select a collision-free sequence between the initial and target positions/orientations. The algorithm maintains the configuration graph in a small size and quickly selects a collision-free sequence from the configuration graph, whose shape is to be simple enough to move the manipulator in practical applications.
Cite this article as:H. Noborio, M. Watanabe, and T. Fujii, “An Efficient Path-Planning Algorithm for a Robotic Manipulator by Automatic Selection Search of Indispensable Regions in Its Configuration Space,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.5, pp. 378-385, 1992.Data files: