Preliminary System for the Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Distribution in Metropolitan Lima and Callao: Application in Recent Seismic Events
Carlos Gonzales*1, , Roger Garay*2, Luis Moya*3 , Fernando Lazares*1 , Zenon Aguilar*1, Diana Calderon*1 , Miguel Diaz*1 , Masashi Matsuoka*4 , and Carlos Zavala*1
*1Japan Peru Center for Earthquake Engineering Research and Disaster Mitigation (CISMID), National University of Engineering (UNI)
Av. Tupac Amaru 1150, Lima 15333, Peru
Corresponding author
*2Faculty of Civil Engineering, National University of Engineering (UNI)
Lima, Peru
*3GERDIS Research Group, Department of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Lima, Peru
*4School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yokohama, Japan
The conjunction of seismic records and site effect parameters can lead to the adequate estimation of seismic indexes in urban areas. In this regard, this study uses the map of soil amplification factors obtained in previous studies and the availability of time history waveforms at different locations throughout Metropolitan Lima and Callao to estimate the geospatial distribution of maximum values of horizontal acceleration after the occurrence of earthquakes. Results for three earthquakes of intermediate magnitude and distinct epicenter locations are publicly available in an online system created within the framework of this study (Amaru Peru) and showed that amplified motions could be mainly observed in the lowlands of populated slopes as well as in the eolian sandy deposits.
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