
JDR Vol.16 No.4 pp. 539-546
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2021.p0539


Factors Affecting Slope Instability of the Nhan Co Alumina Red Mud Basin and Economical, Environmentally Friendly Soil Stabilization

Nguyen Van Hoang*,†, Hoang Viet Hung**, Nguyen Mai Chi**, Pham Huy Dung**, and Dao Trong Tien**,***

*Institute of Geological Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
No.84 Chua Lang Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam

Corresponding author

**Thuyloi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

***Project Management Department 8, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Daklak, Vietnam

November 29, 2020
February 26, 2021
June 1, 2021
red mud, landslide, slope factor of safety (FS), slope reinforcement, bamboo stem pile

Since 2017, there have been recurring landslides in the red mud basins of the Nhan Co alumina factory, Dak Nong Province, Vietnam, during the rainy seasons. Changes in physical and mechanical soil parameters due to rain water infiltration and the formation of tension cracks have been considered as the main causes of slope instability. The soil cohesion and angle of internal friction decreased nearly thrice and twice, respectively, as the soil became saturated. An economical and environmentally friendly reinforcement using bamboo stem piles in combination with slope regrading is suitable for the site conditions. With a light slope regrading, a bamboo stem pile spacing of 5.3 m ensures that the slope factor of safety (FS) is 1.30, which satisfies the requirements specified by the national technical regulations. The results are helpful and serve as practical fundamentals for a comprehensive control of slope stability of the red mud basins in the Nhan Co alumina factory to avoid possible catastrophic destruction of the local ecology by the spreading of an extremely high pH fluid and mud from the red mud basins due to the landslides into the red mud basins.

Cite this article as:
N. Hoang, H. Hung, N. Chi, P. Dung, and D. Tien, “Factors Affecting Slope Instability of the Nhan Co Alumina Red Mud Basin and Economical, Environmentally Friendly Soil Stabilization,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.16 No.4, pp. 539-546, 2021.
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