Sustainable Community Development for Disaster Resilience and Human Resources Development for Disaster Risk Reduction – Growth and Community Contribution of the Katahira Children’s Board for Community Development –
Takeshi Sato*,, Aiko Sakurai*, Yuki Sadaike*, Risa Yanagiya**, and Hitoshi Konno**
*International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
468-1 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8572, Japan
Corresponding author
**Katahira Community Development Association, Miyagi, Japan
This paper describes the Fourth Disaster Prevention Treasure Hunt, which took place at the Second World Bosai Forum in November 2019, as an event related to the Sendai Disaster Prevention Future Forum. In particular, we focus on the growth and community contribution of the Katahira Children’s Board for Community Development, among other efforts in human resources development for disaster management undertaken by the Katahira Community Development Association. In tandem with Children’s Board, the “Disaster Risk Reduction × Treasure Hunting Game” serves as a model for sustainable activities for disaster risk reduction. We believe that this model can contribute to the global promotion of community-based, self-directed, and sustainable activities for disaster risk reduction.
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