
JDR Vol.15 No.5 pp. 599-608
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0599


Households’ Evacuation Decisions in Response to the 2011 Flood in Thailand

Ruttiya Bhula-or, Tadashi Nakasu, Tartat Mokkhamakkul, Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Yot Amornkitvikai, Kullachart Prathumchai, and Sutpratana Duangkaew

Chulalongkorn University
254 Visid Prachuabmoh Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Corresponding author

November 11, 2019
May 25, 2020
August 1, 2020
the 2011 flood in Thailand, evaluation response, household’s responses, flood, natural disaster

This study aims at clarifying households’ responses to the flood in Thailand. The result of this study helps fill the gap in literature about the factor affecting a household’s decision to evacuate in response to the flood, as such a decision varies with the type of natural disaster. The result of the study confirms that more vulnerable people are less likely to evacuate. However, they are more likely to evacuate, if at least one of their household members has reduced mobility. People in flood-prone areas exhibited moral hazards. Furthermore, people with relatively secured employment statuses are more likely to stay in the flood-prone area, to minimize their losses from the flood. If households with management-level employees received real-time and accurate updates about the flood, the decision to evacuate would be freely decided by such households, which can minimize their losses. Similarly, real-time and accurate data about potential damages and losses can reduce moral hazards. Thus, it is necessary for national and local governments to understand area-specific characteristics of people and linkages between societal vulnerability and economic resilience. The study’s implications highlight the importance of developing disaster management strategies in an integrated area-based approach.

Cite this article as:
R. Bhula-or, T. Nakasu, T. Mokkhamakkul, S. Anantsuksomsri, Y. Amornkitvikai, K. Prathumchai, and S. Duangkaew, “Households’ Evacuation Decisions in Response to the 2011 Flood in Thailand,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.15 No.5, pp. 599-608, 2020.
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