
JDR Vol.14 No.9 pp. 1140-1153
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p1140


Modeling of Subsurface Velocity Structures from Seismic Bedrock to Ground Surface in the Tokai Region, Japan, for Broadband Strong Ground Motion Prediction

Atsushi Wakai*,†, Shigeki Senna*, Kaoru Jin**, Atsushi Yatagai**, Haruhiko Suzuki**, Yoshiaki Inagaki**, Hisanori Matsuyama**, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara*

*National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, Japan

Corresponding author

**OYO Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan

April 8, 2019
June 17, 2019
December 1, 2019
subsurface velocity structure, microtremor exploration, bore-hole data, Tokai region, strong ground motion

For sophistication of strong ground motion prediction in terms of disaster mitigation, one of the principal issues is to model subsurface velocity structures so that characteristics of earthquake ground motions can be reproduced in the broadband range 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz. In recent years, subsurface structures have been modeled in sedimentary layers on seismic bedrock for a few regions of Japan, in a national project. In this study, subsurface velocity structures were modeled from seismic bedrock to the ground surface for the Tokai region. These models were constructed in accordance with the subsurface velocity structure modeling scheme published by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion. To begin with, initial models were constructed based on existing bore-hole data, geological information, etc. Next, they were improved based on results of microtremor explorations which had been conducted in recent years. It was found that the new model had different characteristics to the conventional model. This paper will present the modeling process and characteristics of distribution maps for velocity structures and amplification index.

Cite this article as:
A. Wakai, S. Senna, K. Jin, A. Yatagai, H. Suzuki, Y. Inagaki, H. Matsuyama, and H. Fujiwara, “Modeling of Subsurface Velocity Structures from Seismic Bedrock to Ground Surface in the Tokai Region, Japan, for Broadband Strong Ground Motion Prediction,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.14 No.9, pp. 1140-1153, 2019.
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