Short Paper:
Current Control Method in Doubly Fed Induction Generator Under Low Switching Frequency
Peng Xie
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology
Changsha, Hunan 410114, China
The present current control method in doubly fed induction generator cannot realize the segmented grid-connected current control, it’s hard to effectively control the current in doubly fed induction generator. Therefore, a current control method in doubly fed induction generator under low switching frequency is proposed in this paper. Which means to build a mathematical model of the doubly fed induction generator under low switching frequency to analyze the parameters of doubly fed induction generator filter. Then the parameter values of the filter can be obtained. The current in generator can be predicted by adopting the double-sampling predict method. And the current control in generator can be improved according to dead beat control. Then the on-line identification of current parameters by least square method is needed to finish the current control method in doubly fed induction generator under low switching frequency. The experimental results show that the proposed method realized the segmented grid-connected current control in doubly fed induction generator.

Rotor current waveform of dead beat control for current prediction
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