
JACIII Vol.22 No.3 pp. 394-403
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2018.p0394


On Two Apriori-Based Rule Generators: Apriori in Prolog and Apriori in SQL

Hiroshi Sakai*, Kao-Yi Shen**, and Michinori Nakata***

*Department of Basic Sciences, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Tobata, Kitakyushu 804-8550, Japan

**Department of Banking and Finance, Chinese Culture University (SCE)
Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan

***Faculty of Management and Information Science, Josai International University
Gumyo, Togane, Chiba 283-8555, Japan

December 12, 2017
March 30, 2018
May 20, 2018
rule generation, apriori algorithm, association rules, prolog, SQL

This paper focuses on two Apriori-based rule generators. The first is the rule generator in Prolog and C, and the second is the one in SQL. They are named Apriori in Prolog and Apriori in SQL, respectively. Each rule generator is based on the Apriori algorithm. However, each rule generator has its own properties. Apriori in Prolog employs the equivalence classes defined by table data sets and follows the framework of rough sets. On the other hand, Apriori in SQL employs a search for rule generation and does not make use of equivalence classes. This paper clarifies the properties of these two rule generators and considers effective applications of each to existing data sets.

The rules from the Lenses data set (UCI).

The rules from the Lenses data set (UCI).

Cite this article as:
H. Sakai, K. Shen, and M. Nakata, “On Two Apriori-Based Rule Generators: Apriori in Prolog and Apriori in SQL,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.22 No.3, pp. 394-403, 2018.
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