
JACIII Vol.18 No.5 pp. 755-763
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2014.p0755


Solar-Powered Field Server and Aerator Development for Lake Palakpakin

Dominic B. Solpico*1,*2, Nathaniel J. C. Libatique*1,*2,
Gregory L. Tangonan*1, Paul M. Cabacungan*1,
Guillaume Girardot*1,*2,*3, Ramon M. Macaraig*1,*4,
Teresita R. Perez*1,*5, and Andrea Teran*1

*1Ateneo Innovation Center, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108, Philippines

*2Electronics Computer and Communications Engineering Department, Ateneo de Manila University

*3Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers, 6 rue Auber, Lille 59000, France

*4Alsons Aquaculture Corporation, 2286 Chino Roces Ave., Makati City, 1200, Philippines

*5Environmental Sciences Department, Ateneo de Manila University

February 21, 2014
May 3, 2014
September 20, 2014
water quality, wireless sensor network, lake management, aquaculture, field server
We have designed, developed and deployed a robust system of sensors in a small and shallow – 1 km diameter and about 7 m deep – inland lake used for aquaculture. The sensor system currently measures and sends out telemetry data on dissolved oxygen, conductivity and temperature in the lake at two depths – 0.5 and 2.5 meters – every 30 minutes. The measurements are sent out via SMS to a central server 80 km away and displayed in near-real time on a website which can be accessed by local fishermen, researchers and other stakeholders. The system also features an aerator, which operates automatically during the evening and early morning 12 hours at a time, and can also be turned on outside this period via missed-call (dropped call) from a cellular phone. This system can aid in decision-making of local fishermen, making it a potentially powerful approach to lake management, and in conjunction with other measures and long term planning, for averting or mitigating fishkill events.
Cite this article as:
D. Solpico, N. Libatique, G. Tangonan, P. Cabacungan, G. Girardot, R. Macaraig, T. Perez, and A. Teran, “Solar-Powered Field Server and Aerator Development for Lake Palakpakin,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.18 No.5, pp. 755-763, 2014.
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