
JACIII Vol.15 No.4 pp. 454-459
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2011.p0454


Knowledge Mining for Project Management and Execution

Shinji Mochida

University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, 3-1 Gakuen-Nishimachi, Nishiku, Kobe, Hyougo 651-2188, Japan

January 7, 2011
February 25, 2011
June 20, 2011
project management, EVM, cost, profit, loss
Efficient project management is demanded to solve project management problems. Project success or failure depends on the skill of the project manager. A good project manager must have good knowledge on project management and growth. If knowledge is considered a judgment for effective action, the manager’s action and experience must first be registered. This paper defines knowledge as a group of low-level information and data. Such knowledge must be registered easily. Since it is difficult to find the appropriate timing for registering knowledge, this paper shows how to maximize such timing and registration for the knowledge. Knowledge is information and data for execution performance that is improvement for project management. We constructed a prototype using WEB technology to collect large amounts of knowledge for project management, but such knowledge must be registered manually and it is difficult to find the time that information should be registered on. This paper discusses how to find the best timing for registering knowledge. We tried to take into the change in progress of the project in order to get the knowledge. Earned Value Management (EVM), which is one way to manage project progress, is examined to find change in project progress, since the time that progress changes appears to be the best timing for registration. It was found that knowledge may be able to be registered automatically. It will be necessary to achieve the function to register the knowledge at the just timing in the future.
Cite this article as:
S. Mochida, “Knowledge Mining for Project Management and Execution,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.15 No.4, pp. 454-459, 2011.
Data files:
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