
JACIII Vol.15 No.2 p. 165
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2011.p0165


Special Issue on New Trends in Agent-Based Simulation

Keiki Takadama and Kiyoshi Izumi

March 20, 2011

Agent-Based Simulation (ABS), an interdisciplinary area embracing both the computer science and the social science, has attracted much attention and aided the understanding of socially complex phenomena. A current important issue in this research area is how to improve ABS effectiveness and comprehension, which makes further mutual influence between the computer science and the social sciences indispensable - e.g., (1) agent modeling involving learning mechanisms in the computer science and (2) social dynamics analysis needed in the social science. Such integration of these two areas would help fulfill the great potential of ABS, first in solving complex engineering problems using agent-based technology and second in developing and testing new theories on socially complex systems.

This special issue features ABS papers from both of these important areas exploring new trends in ABS. The 10 papers composing this special issue start with papers by Nobutada Fujii and Hiroyasu Inoue analyzing the relationship between the network structure and system dynamics. In these papers, an agent-based computational economics approach has been active in applying agent-based technologies to financial and economic systems. Papers by Biliana Alexandrova-Kabadjova, Isamu Okada, TomokoOhi, and Nariaki Nishino cover consumer and financial markets using agent-based models. They test economic theory and examine market phenomena for market design. Agent-based simulation is increasingly used in application fields in the social sciences. Papers by Kiyoshi Izumi, Hideki Fujii, Hiromitsu Hattori, and Shigeo Sagai propose solutions for actual social problems such as injury prevention, traffic, and electrical power. Models are created based on behavior data, and the integration of an agent-based model and real data is a hot topic in this area.

As the beginning of these technical papers, this issue starts by a position paper to give an ABS overview for understanding important issues in ABS from an overall viewpoint and for understanding state-of-the-art ABS. The information presented is invaluable in helping readers grasp the important features of ABS.

Cite this article as:
K. Takadama and K. Izumi, “Special Issue on New Trends in Agent-Based Simulation,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.15 No.2, p. 165, 2011.
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