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Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms of Complex Dynamic Systems with Minimum Entropy Production
S.V. Ulyanov*, K. Yamafuji**, V.S. Ulyanov**, I. Kurawaki*, T. Hagiwara* and S.A. Panfilov*
*Research & Development Office , Yamaha Motor Europe N.V., Polo Didattico e di Ricerca di Crema, Via Bramante, 65-26013 CREMA (CR) - Italy
**Mechanical and Control Eng. Dept., University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
Received:June 23, 1998Accepted:December 1, 1998Published:April 20, 1999
Keywords:Computational intelligence, Entropy production rate, Lyapunov stability, Entropy-like dynamic behavior
Our thermodynamic approach to the study and design of robust optimal control processes in nonlinear (in general global unstable) dynamic systems used soft computing based on genetic algorithms with a fitness function as minimum entropy production. Control objects were nonlinear dynamic systems involving essentially nonlinear stochastic differential equations. An algorithm was developed for calculating entropy production rate in control object motion and in control systems. Part 1 discusses relation of the Lyapunov function (measure of stability) and the entropy production rate (physical measure of controllability). This relation was used to describe the following qualitative properties and important relations: dynamic stability motion (Lyapunov function), Lyapunov exponent and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, physical entropy production rates, and symmetries group representation in essentially nonlinear systems as coupled oscillator models. Results of computer simulation are presented for entropy-like dynamic behavior for typical benchmarks of dynamic systems such as Van der Pol, Duffing, and Holmes-Rand, and coupled oscillators. Parts 2 and 3 discuss the application of this approach to simulation of dynamic entropy-like behavior and optimal benchmark control as a 2-link manipulator in a robot for service use and nonlinear systems under stochastic excitation.
Cite this article as:S. Ulyanov, K. Yamafuji, V. Ulyanov, I. Kurawaki, T. Hagiwara, and S. Panfilov, “Computational Intelligence for Robust Control Algorithms of Complex Dynamic Systems with Minimum Entropy Production,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.2, pp. 82-98, 1999.Data files: