
IJAT Vol.11 No.4 pp. 542-551
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2017.p0542


How Lean Manufacturing Affects the Creation of Sustainable Value: An Integrated Model

Barbara Resta*, Stefano Dotti*, Paolo Gaiardelli*,†, and Albachiara Boffelli**

*CELS (Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations), Department of Management,
Information and Production Engineering, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Viale Marconi 5, Dalmine (BG) 24044, Italy

Corresponding author

**Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy

November 7, 2016
June 7, 2017
Online released:
June 29, 2017
July 5, 2017
lean manufacturing, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, sustainable operations management
Lean Manufacturing (LM) has always been intended as a means to improve efficiency by reducing operations costs, but the recent focus on sustainability and its three pillars (economic, environmental, and social) raises new issues. In this paper, a new model that links LM with sustainability is proposed and then refined through a cross-sector multiple case study. The results highlight a need to align lean implementation processes with sustainability strategy to avoid negative impacts that LM could have on the components of sustainability.
Cite this article as:
B. Resta, S. Dotti, P. Gaiardelli, and A. Boffelli, “How Lean Manufacturing Affects the Creation of Sustainable Value: An Integrated Model,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.11 No.4, pp. 542-551, 2017.
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