
IJAT Vol.5 No.3 pp. 313-319
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2011.p0313


Residual Stresses in High Speed Turning of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Workpieces

Ekkard Brinksmeier, Carsten Heinzel, Martin Garbrecht,
Jens Sölter, and Griet Reucher

Department of Engineering, Division of Manufacturing Technologies, University of Bremen, Badgasteiner Str. 1, Bremen 28359, Germany

February 1, 2011
April 9, 2011
May 5, 2011
cutting, turning, residual stress, distortion potential, hsc, high speed machining
Residual stress induced in cutting processes substantially impacts adversely on functional part performance and distortion, especially when thin-walled workpieces are machined. For this reason, basic research focuses on the correlation between a specific high-speed turning configuration and the occurrence of residual stress and the amount of resulting distortion. The presented experiments in high-speed turning of thin-walled AISI 52100 (100Cr6) steel workpieces show, that residual stress distribution in the surface layer moves toward compressive stress as cutting speed increases while feed and lower wall-thickness decrease. Indications were also, that increasing cutting speed leads to higher distortion. To evaluate residual stress potential in shape deviation, the so-called source force F’source was calculated by numerically integrating the residual stress depth profile.
Cite this article as:
E. Brinksmeier, C. Heinzel, M. Garbrecht, J. Sölter, and G. Reucher, “Residual Stresses in High Speed Turning of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Workpieces,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.5 No.3, pp. 313-319, 2011.
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