
JRM Vol.16 No.4 pp. 426-433
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2004.p0426


Robust Vibration Control of a Flexible Robot Arm Carrying an Uncertain Load That Causes Bending/Torsional Coupling

Toru Watanabe, Kohsuke Yamamoto, Kohei Takamura,
and Kazuto Seto

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science & Technology, Nihon University, 1-8 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8308, Japan

December 25, 2003
April 7, 2004
August 20, 2004
vibration control, robust control, flexible arm, coupled vibration, H control
This paper presents the design procedure of a robust H controller for bending/torsional coupled vibration of a flexible robot arm. If the arm does not hold the center of the load, it possesses bending/torsional coupled vibration modes that may not be precisely identified. In this research, we use H robust control design with structured uncertainties used to describe the model error in the coupling of bending/torsional vibration. We set up an experimental system and identify two physical models using Seto’s modeling method. An H controller is designed using these models and control simulations and experiments are conducted. Our results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed modeling and controller design method.
Cite this article as:
T. Watanabe, K. Yamamoto, K. Takamura, and K. Seto, “Robust Vibration Control of a Flexible Robot Arm Carrying an Uncertain Load That Causes Bending/Torsional Coupling,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.16 No.4, pp. 426-433, 2004.
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