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Microtouch-Sensor Array Fabricated by Hydrothermal Method
Guiryong Kwon*, Fumihito Arai*, Toshio Fukuda*, Kouichi ltoigawa** and Yasunori Tsukahara**
*Department of Micro System Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603 Japan
**R & D DIV, R & D Center, Tokai Rika Co., LTD. Oguchi-cho, Niwa-gun, Aichi-ken, 480-0195 Japan
Received:December 1, 2001Accepted:January 4, 2002Published:December 20, 2002
Keywords:touch-sensor, PZT thin film, hydrothermal method
We propose a microtouch-sensor array applicable in high-temperature environments. PZT thin film was fabricated on a Ti substrate by a hydrothermal method and electrodes were deposited on it to form the sensor and actuator. The actuator is driven at a resonance frequency of 1.045 [kHz] and actuating voltage is low at ±5[V]. The sensor detects impedance change before and after contact. The sensor is simple and easy to miniaturize and works at temperature up to 82°C. This sensor can be used as an automobile control touch-sensor pad instead of conventional capacitive touch pads because it is robust against high temperature. We detail the sensor's basic features.
Cite this article as:G. Kwon, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, K. ltoigawa, and Y. Tsukahara, “Microtouch-Sensor Array Fabricated by Hydrothermal Method,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14 No.6, pp. 633-639, 2002.Data files:
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