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Development of Motion Data Description Language for Robots Based on eXtensible Markup Language - Realization of Better Understanding and Communication via Networks
Ikuo Kitagishi*, Tamotsu Machino**, Akira Nakayama*, Satoshi Iwaki* and Masashi Okudaira***
*NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Yokosuka-shi, Japan
**NTT Cyber Solutions Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Musashino-shi, Japan
***Musashi Institute of Technology, Yokohama-shi, Japan (Ex. NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Yokosuka-shi, Japan)
Received:April 4, 2002Accepted:September 2, 2002Published:October 20, 2002
Keywords:XML, robot motion, network, communication, media
To realize a ubiquitous robot and software avatar society, we propose the concept of a MotionMedia content sharing platform. MotionMedia is defined as a physical communication medium that includes the actual motion of robots or physical end-effectors - called the "5th medium," after audio, text, image, and video. MotionMedia is expected to be disseminated worldwide once its value in realizing better understanding and communication between people via broadband networks through the support of advanced communication media is recognized. To share MotionMedia content, especially motion data, a motion data modeling and formulation system for human-type robots based on eXtensible Markup Language (MotionXML) has been developed. MotionXML leads to specifications for conveying and reproducing robot motion via networks. It enables the same set of motion data to be shared by robots that have different structures and control interfaces. An application program interface (MotionAPI) has also been developed as a common access interface for MotionXML, enabling application developers to handle MotionXML easily and to develop applications more rapidly.
Cite this article as:I. Kitagishi, T. Machino, A. Nakayama, S. Iwaki, and M. Okudaira, “Development of Motion Data Description Language for Robots Based on eXtensible Markup Language - Realization of Better Understanding and Communication via Networks,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14 No.5, pp. 471-478, 2002.Data files:
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