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Implementing Fuzzy Learning Algorithms in a 6 DOF Hydraulic Parallel Link Manipulator: Actuators' Fuzzy Modeling
Zakarya Zyada, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Gancho Vachkov and Toshio Fukuda
Department of Micro System Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603 Japan
Received:April 16, 2002Accepted:June 20, 2002Published:August 20, 2002
Keywords:fuzzy modeling, hydraulic actuator, parallel manipulator
A fuzzy-logic-based model, suitable for force control, for each hydraulic actuator of a parallel link manipulator is presented. Constructing the fuzzy model rule base mainly consists of 2 stages: (1) learning rules from examples for the known acquired input/output data of the hydraulic actuators and (2) completing unknown fuzzy rules from heuristics and experience based on the logic of actuators' behavior. We first present the algorithm of fuzzy-rule base modeling and its application for one actuator. We then present fuzzy rule base results characterizing each hydraulic actuator, differing from one to another, of a 6 DOF parallel link manipulator. Simulation output results from fuzzy models show good agreement with experimental results.
Cite this article as:Z. Zyada, Y. Hasegawa, G. Vachkov, and T. Fukuda, “Implementing Fuzzy Learning Algorithms in a 6 DOF Hydraulic Parallel Link Manipulator: Actuators' Fuzzy Modeling,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.14 No.4, pp. 408-419, 2002.Data files:
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