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Desktop Microdrilling System by Multiple Miniature Robots
Hisayuki Aoyama, Shigeru Tadokoro, and Tomohiro Shigeno
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585 Japan
Received:November 1, 2000Accepted:November 15, 2000Published:February 20, 2001
Keywords:micro robot, piezo element, electromagnet, micro motor, micro drill, through-hole, automatic control, vision based position control
Recently the demand for microparts fabrication is increasing because many products are miniaturized due to portable use. A new production system such as a "Desktop Factory" is very interesting in microsystem assembly. The microrobots system has the potential to play an important role in such applications with respect to transporting, manipulating, and putting down microobjects. This paper describes a unique system in which many microrobots can collaborate to execute a microdrilling task on the desktop. This micro production system can provide cost saving benefits with accurate and flexible microfabrication.
Cite this article as:H. Aoyama, S. Tadokoro, and T. Shigeno, “Desktop Microdrilling System by Multiple Miniature Robots,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.13 No.1, pp. 36-41, 2001.Data files:
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