
JRM Vol.12 No.3 pp. 224-230
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2000.p0224


Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY

Toshio Morita, Hiroyasu Iwata and Shigeki Sugano

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan

March 10, 2000
March 16, 2000
June 20, 2000
human-robot symbiosis, humanoid, safety and dexterity, force/pressure control, system integration
An objective of this study is to find out design requirements for developing human symbiotic robots, which share working space with human, and have the ability of carrying out physical, informational, and psychological interaction. This paper mainly describes design strategies of the human symbiotic robots, through the development of a test model of the robots, WENDY (Waseda ENgineering Designed sYmbiont). In order to develop WENDY, safety and dexterity of a humanoid robot Hadaly-2, which was developed in 1997, are improved on. The performances of WENDY are evaluated by experiments of object transport and egg breaking, which requires high revel integration of whole body system.
Cite this article as:
T. Morita, H. Iwata, and S. Sugano, “Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.3, pp. 224-230, 2000.
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