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Special Issue on Vision
Shunichiro Oe
Department of Information Science and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokushima, 2-1 Minamijosanjima, Tokushima, 770-8506, Japan
Published:April 20, 1999
The widely used term Computer Vision applies to when computers are substituted for human visual information processing. As Real-world objects, except for characters, symbols, figures and photographs created by people, are 3-dimensional (3-D), their two-dimensional (2-D) images obtained by camera are produced by compressing 3-D information to 2-D. Many methods of 2-D image processing and pattern recognition have been developed and widely applied to industrial and medical processing, etc. Research work enabling computers to recognize 3-D objects by 3-D information extracted from 2-D images has been carried out in artificial intelligent robotics. Many techniques have been developed and some applied practically in scene analysis or 3-D measurement. These practical applications are based on image sensing, image processing, pattern recognition, image measurement, extraction of 3-D information, and image understanding. New techniques are constantly appearing. The title of this special issue is Vision, and it features 8 papers from basic computer vision theory to industrial applications. These papers include the following: Kohji Kamejima proposes a method to detect self-similarity in random image fields - the basis of human visual processing. Akio Nagasaka et al. developed a way to identify a real scene in real time using run-length encoding of video feature sequences. This technique will become a basis for active video recording and new robotic machine vision. Toshifumi Honda presents a method for visual inspection of solder joint by 3-D image analysis - a very important issue in the inspection of printed circuit boards. Saburo Okada et al. contribute a new technique on simultaneous measurement of shape and normal vector for specular objects. These methods are all useful for obtaining 3-D information. Masato Nakajima presents a human face identification method for security monitoring using 3-D gray-level information. Kenji Terada et al. propose a method of automatic counting passing people using image sensing. These two technologies are very useful in access control. Yoji. Ogawa presents a new image processing method for automatic welding in turbid water under a non-preparatory environment. Liu Wei et al. develop a method for detection and management of cutting-tool wear using visual sensors. We are certain that all of these papers will contribute greatly to the development of vision systems in robotics and mechatronics.
Cite this article as:S. Oe, “Special Issue on Vision,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.11 No.2, p. 87, 1999.Data files:
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