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Software Package BDSP Developed to Simulate Hydraulic Systems
Takayoshi Muto, Junji Fukumori, Akio Seko and Hironao Yamada
Department of Mechanical & Systems Engineering, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu, 501-1193 Japan
Received:May 28, 1998Accepted:September 1, 1998Published:December 20, 1998
Keywords:Simulation software, Hydraulic systems, Dynamic performance, Block diagram, Fluid lines
We developed simulation software for hydraulic control systems enabling the operator to simulate dynamic system performance without special knowledge of software or control engineering. The program was for use on conventional personal computers. Simulation proceeds with each operation very simply based on system block diagram representation. A GUI enabled almost all simulation operations to be done using display windows. The program simulates fluid line elements, nonlinear elements, and discrete time control.
Cite this article as:T. Muto, J. Fukumori, A. Seko, and H. Yamada, “Software Package BDSP Developed to Simulate Hydraulic Systems,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.10 No.6, pp. 494-498, 1998.Data files: