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PEM-Modelling: A Framework for Designing Intelligent Robot Control
T. Heikkilä*, J. Röning**
* Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Electronics Laboratory, P.O.Box.200, SF-90571 OULU, FINLAND
**University of Oulu, Department of Electrical Engineering, SF-90570 OULU, FINLAND
Received:August 11, 1992Accepted:September 12, 1992Published:October 20, 1992
A framework for functional design of intelligent robot control is proposed. It consists of a hierarchical logical model with motion and manipulation task decomposition, sensor processing and modelling sub-structures. Each computational module, both related to task decomposition and sensor processing, is proposed to consist of modules, each of which having three generic activities: planning, executing and monitoring. Planning encompasses task decomposition activities, executing activates a mechanism to carry out the plan and monitoring observes the validity of the plan in relation to real situations. The time dependencies of planning, executing and monitoring are described with a meta-control mechanism, for which examples are introduced. The importance within the different meta-control schemes is, that they result in different different overall behavior, particularly in erroneous or unexpected situations. The framework has been verified through a practical prototype.
Cite this article as:T. Heikkilä and J. Röning, “PEM-Modelling: A Framework for Designing Intelligent Robot Control,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.5, pp. 437-444, 1992.Data files: