
JRM Vol.4 No.3 pp. 218-222
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1992.p0218


Ultrasonic Measurement and Control of Microrobotic Drug Delivery System

Ken Ishihara and Toshiyuki Furukawa

Clinical Research Institute, Osaka National Hospital, 2-1-14, Hoenzaka, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540, Japan

December 24, 1991
February 28, 1992
June 20, 1992
We attempt a microrobotic drug delivery system (DDS) in which drug carriers of air-filled microcapsules are recognized with echography and are controlled using resonant ultrasound. We have confirmed the physical possibility of resonance design for drug carriers depending on the shell structure of the microcapsule. In addition, we have developed a novel echographic imaging system to locate microrobots precisely. Path lines of microrobots in blood flow could be clearly visualized.
Cite this article as:
K. Ishihara and T. Furukawa, “Ultrasonic Measurement and Control of Microrobotic Drug Delivery System,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.3, pp. 218-222, 1992.
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