
JRM Vol.1 No.4 pp. 317-321
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1989.p0317

Development Report:

Change of Types of Automatic Assembly System for Photo Products

Kazuhiko Kondo

Production Control Dept., Photo Products Division, Nikon Corp.: 6-3, Nishi-Ohi 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140, Japan

December 20, 1989
Automatic assembly, Assembly automation, Assemblability
The automatic assembly of photo products has been developed by Nikon Corp. over more than ten years. Automatic assembly methods are historically classified into three categories: dedicated machines, semi-flexible automatic assembly systems, and universal automatic assembly systems. This paper surveys these types of automatic assembly systems. First, automatic assembly systems for mechanical components of photo products are considered, and their background and design policies discussed. Next, the performances of these assembly systems and the results achieved in practise are described. Finally, the future trends of photo product automation are outlined.
Cite this article as:
K. Kondo, “Change of Types of Automatic Assembly System for Photo Products,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.1 No.4, pp. 317-321, 1989.
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