Proposal of an Effective Way of Rescuing People from a Cable Car
Miroslav Betuš, Martin Konček, Marian Šofranko, Gabriel Wittenberger
, and Jozef Čambál
Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Technical University of Košice
Letná 1/9, Košice-Sever 040, Slovak Republic
Corresponding author
This study presents a proposal for procedures and recommendations for the evacuation of people from cable cars. The proposals and procedures were carried out in a specific facility located in the east of Slovakia. Cable cars represent a certain risk of endangering the lives and health of people. This threat can be caused by technical failures, meteorological conditions, or human factors. Despite the existing safety measures, which are at a high level today, extraordinary events occur on cable cars that require the intervention of the integrated rescue system. The rescue services themselves have their own specific rescue procedures and equipment for rescuing people from heights, and in this paper the most frequently used rescue procedures and methods performed by members of the Fire and Rescue Service will be presented. This paper summarizes individual rescue actions, activities, and technical equipment used in rescuing people from cable cars, as well as an analysis of individual rescue and evacuation techniques from the Skipark Erika cable car. The result of the contribution is a proposal for coordination and an evaluation of the best and most suitable method of rescue in terms of time and safety.
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