
JDR Vol.16 No.7 p. 977
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2021.p0977


Mini Special Issue on Tsunami Numerical Modeling Benchmarks – Challenges of Tsunami Modeling Hackathon –

Shunichi Koshimura

Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0845, Japan

October 1, 2021

Numerical simulation and modeling became an essential technology in tsunami research and disaster management. Various numerical models were proposed and utilized for the development of tsunami risk assessment, inundation maps, and evacuation plans. The model verification and validation standards would be crucial to ensure sufficient reliability of tsunami risk assessment, inundation maps, as well as a consistency among various efforts. Common approach to ensure sufficient accuracy and reliability of numerical modeling is developing benchmark problems of hydraulic experiments and to use them for numerical model’s verification and validation.

To satisfy this requirement, “Tsunami Modeling Hackathon” was held in September 2020 to organize new benchmark problems in numerical modeling of tsunamis and to improve their reliability and accuracy. Hackathon is an intensive-gathering event of computer programmers and others involved in software development to create outcomes by the end of the event. This event was organized by Prof. Tomoyuki Takahashi of Kansai University and his colleagues, who led the tsunami research subcommittee in Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE).

Tsunami modeling hackathon, in which about 23 teams and 162 researchers joined, included experiment and modeling teams in seven benchmark problems: urban tsunami inundation, landslide tsunami, tsunami loading on seawalls and coastal structures, sediment transport, drift of floating objects. The modeling groups performed the blind tests to cross-validate and interpret the results of their simulations in seven benchmark problems given by the experiment groups and discussed the improvement.

This special issue reports the outcomes of the tsunami modeling hackathon, and includes six papers (five in this issue, one in the regular issue). We hope this issue will provide useful insights for tsunami modelers and contribute to establishing a standardized way to ensure that various tsunami numerical models would be validated through the benchmark problems.

Cite this article as:
S. Koshimura, “Mini Special Issue on Tsunami Numerical Modeling Benchmarks – Challenges of Tsunami Modeling Hackathon –,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.16 No.7, p. 977, 2021.
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