
JDR Vol.12 No.4 pp. 811-821
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2017.p0811


Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility to Post-Disaster Life Recovery of Employees

Maki Dan*,† and Masayuki Kohiyama**

*Formerly, Keio University

Corresponding author
Hiyoshi 3-14-1, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan

**Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

November 3, 2016
June 30, 2017
Online released:
July 28, 2017
August 1, 2017
life recovery, employees, corporate social responsibility, structural equation modeling, Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is now considered to be one of the most important activities for companies as it greatly affects both companies and local communities. This study analyzes the effects of corporate social responsibility activities on the life recovery of employees. A questionnaire survey on the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster in Iwaki City (Fukushima, Japan) was conducted. Iwaki City was among the areas most severely affected by the disaster. The effect of CSR activities on the life recovery of employees was analyzed by structural equation modeling. Life recovery largely depended on health and human relationships. CSR activities related to these two factors, such as work–life balance and local community activities, increased the life recovery of employees. Companies have large resources for improving local community resilience and local communities can recover from a disaster in a timely and effective manner when companies provide appropriate assistance. This study reveals how companies can contribute to the recovery of local communities through their CSR activities.

Cite this article as:
M. Dan and M. Kohiyama, “Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility to Post-Disaster Life Recovery of Employees,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.12 No.4, pp. 811-821, 2017.
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