Research Paper:
Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Systems Based on Intermittent Control and its Application in Secure Communication
Jianbin He
, Wenlan Qiu
, and Jianping Cai

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Minnan Normal University
Zhangzhou , China
Corresponding author
The synchronization of master-slave hyperchaotic systems is investigated by intermittent control and proved by the Lyapunov stable theory. Meanwhile, a new secure communication scheme is designed for the continuous and digital information. The encrypted information is transmitted to receiver through the intermittent controller, which reduces the disturbance to the synchronization of master-slave systems and improves the security and reliability of secure communication. Before transmitting to the receiver, the continuous signal is firstly modulated and masked by the chaotic signals. Furthermore, an encryption algorithm for the digital information of color image is proposed by the pseudo-random sequences of Chen hyperchaotic system, and then the encrypted image is modulated and masked by the variables of the master system. The original image can be decrypted successfully at the receiving end after the slave system is synchronized with the master system. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of this scheme are verified by simulation experiments. In addition, the security analysis of the image encryption algorithm is also discussed, such as key sensitivity, correlation coefficient, NIST test, and return map.
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