
JACIII Vol.21 No.5 pp. 778-784
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2017.p0778


Robustness Analyses and Optimal Sampling Gap of Recurrent Neural Network for Dynamic Matrix Pseudoinversion

Bolin Liao* and Qiuhong Xiang**

*College of Information Science and Engineering, Jishou University
Jishou, Hunan 416000, China

**College of Mathematics and Statistics, Jishou University
Jishou, Hunan 416000, China

January 8, 2017
May 29, 2017
September 20, 2017
performance analysis, robustness, optimal sampling gap, Zhang neural network (ZNN), dynamic matrix pseudoinverse

This study analyses the robustness and convergence characteristics of a neural network. First, a special class of recurrent neural network (RNN), termed a continuous-time Zhang neural network (CTZNN) model, is presented and investigated for dynamic matrix pseudoinversion. Theoretical analysis of the CTZNN model demonstrates that it has good robustness against various types of noise. In addition, considering the requirements of digital implementation and online computation, the optimal sampling gap for a discrete-time Zhang neural network (DTZNN) model under noisy environments is proposed. Finally, experimental results are presented, which further substantiate the theoretical analyses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ZNN models for computing a dynamic matrix pseudoinverse under noisy environments.

Cite this article as:
B. Liao and Q. Xiang, “Robustness Analyses and Optimal Sampling Gap of Recurrent Neural Network for Dynamic Matrix Pseudoinversion,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.21 No.5, pp. 778-784, 2017.
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