
JACIII Vol.15 No.8 p. 1139
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2011.p1139


Selected Papers from i-SAIRAS 2010

Keiki Takadama

October 20, 2011

This special issue features the selected papers from i-SAIRAS 2010 (The 10th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space) at Sapporo, Japan on August 29 - September 1, 2010), which explores the technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation and Robotics, and its application in space. In the AI domain, in particular, i-SAIRAS focuses on the following issues: (1) spacecraft autonomy (e.g., inboard software for mission planning and execution, resource management, fault protection, science data analysis, guidance, navigation and control, smart sensors, testing and validation, architectures); (2) mission operations automation (e.g., decision support tools for mission planning and scheduling, anomaly detection and fault analysis, innovative operations concepts, data visualization, secure commanding and networking); (3) design tools and optimization methods, electronic documentation; and (4) AI methods (e.g., automated planning and scheduling, agents model-based reasoning, machine learning and data mining).

In the selection process for JACIII (Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics), 13 papers were firstly nominated from 133 oral presentation papers as outstanding AI-related papers by i-SAIRAS International Committee, and 6 papers were finally accepted through the two-stages of pear-reviews. All papers were reviewed by three reviewers. As the brief introduction of these papers, the paper by Mark Johnston and Mark Giuliano presents an architecture called MUSE (Multi-User Scheduling Environment) to integrate multi-objective evolutionary algorithms with existing domain planning and scheduling tools. The second paper by Amdeo Cesta et al. discusses general lessons learned from a series of deployed planning and scheduling systems. The third paper by Alessandro Donati et al. spotlights specific achievements and trends in the area of spacecraft diagnosis and mission planning and scheduling. The fourth paper by Cedric Cocaud and Takashi Kubota proposes the system that provides position and attitude information to a spacecraft during its approach descent and landing phase toward the surface of an asteroid. The firth paper by Tomohiro Harada et al. studies On-Board Computer which evolves computer programs through the bit inversion and analyzes its robustness to the bit inversion. Finally, the last paper by Masayuki Otani et al. explores the distributed control of the multiple robots which may be broken in the assembly of space solar power satellite. The editor hopes that these papers would help for readers to capture the state-of-art of AI technology in space.

Cite this article as:
K. Takadama, “Selected Papers from i-SAIRAS 2010,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.15 No.8, p. 1139, 2011.
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