
JACIII Vol.10 No.6 pp. 868-875
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2006.p0868


Common Sense from the Web? Naturalness of Everyday Knowledge Retrieved from WWW

Rafal Rzepka, Yali Ge, and Kenji Araki

Language Media Laboratory, Research Group of Information Media Science and Technology, Division of Media and Network Technologies, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Kita 14 Nishi 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0814, Japan

January 10, 2006
April 14, 2006
November 20, 2006
human-machine interaction, common sense, web-mining
This paper is to suggest opportunities for advanced systems hiding in the millions of WWW pages. While usually the Internet is used for achieving knowledge for humans, we present opposite approach where a machine retrieves usual knowledge about humans, their common behaviors and feelings. We claim that in long run such capability will be necessary for every machine interacting with a human user. We will concentrate on our theories and illustrate them with the results of web-mining experiment.
Cite this article as:
R. Rzepka, Y. Ge, and K. Araki, “Common Sense from the Web? Naturalness of Everyday Knowledge Retrieved from WWW,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.10 No.6, pp. 868-875, 2006.
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