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Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Strategy for Soccer Robot Game
Elmer A. Maravillas*, Napoleon H. Reyes**, and Elmer P. Dadios***
*Department of Mechanical Engineering
**Graduate Studies, College of Computer Studies
***Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila, 1004 Philippines
Received:June 20, 2003Accepted:September 9, 2003Published:January 20, 2004
This paper presents a control strategy for the robot soccer game goalie using hybrid fuzzy logic systems. The strategy adopts the divide and conquer concept by decomposing the goalie’s task of defending the goal into four (4) categories. Consequently, each category is characterized by different goalie-ball situations and will be handled by a separate rule-base. The first fuzzy system takes the x-coordinates of the robot and the ball then outputs the category number that determines the rule-base to be used in the second fuzzy system. The second fuzzy system handles the goalie’s movements. It takes the current y-coordinate of the goalie-robot and the ball then outputs the y-coordinate of the goalie’s next position (destination) which is located along its line-of-action (a line with predefined x-coordinate where the goalie moves back and forth just in front of the goal it is defending). Experiment shows that this strategy is feasible, efficient, and robust.
Cite this article as:E. Maravillas, N. Reyes, and E. Dadios, “Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Strategy for Soccer Robot Game,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.8 No.1, pp. 65-71, 2004.Data files: