
JACIII Vol.5 No.4 pp. 213-219
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2001.p0213


Applying AHP to Preference Analysis by Dynamic Judgment-A Study of Adaptation and Identification of Odor

Yoshihiro Ueda*, Naotaka Kato*, Haruhiko Kimura**, Shinji Furukawa*** and Takashi Oyabu****

*Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa Kanazawa, 920-0223 Japan

**Faculty of Engineering Kanazawa University Kanazawa, 920-8667 Japan

***Hitachi Electronics Services Co.,Ltd. Yokohama, 244-0801 Japan

****Dpt. of Economics, Kanazawa Seiryo University Kanazawa, 920-8620 Japan

March 26, 2001
July 20, 2001
July 20, 2001
AHP dynamic judgment, preference analysis, odor
In this paper we focus on dynamic judgment involving the concept of elapsed time incorporated into AHP This concept is useful for preference analysis because both factors of human environment and factors of human sensory organs change with time and they affect human preferential judgment, making it important to analyze preferential changes as a function of time. First, we propose 2 models for odor One is on olfactory adaptation and the other is on odor identifiability. Second, in these models, we analyze the consistency index, which is the degree of consistency of human subjective judgment, and proposed a method for improving the consistency index. Lastly, the following parameters are estimated using proposed models. (1) Odor preference of the individual person and its change with time. (2) The adaptation-time until the person adapts to odor in low, constant concentrations. (3) The identification-time until the person identifies odor in increasing concentrations. Because these 3 parameters are important for many odor problems, we expect that proposed models will be effective in intelligent process control for odor; which can deodorize and modulate odor.
Cite this article as:
Y. Ueda, N. Kato, H. Kimura, S. Furukawa, and T. Oyabu, “Applying AHP to Preference Analysis by Dynamic Judgment-A Study of Adaptation and Identification of Odor,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.5 No.4, pp. 213-219, 2001.
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