Research Paper:
Machine Learning-Based Shape Error Estimation Using the Servomotor Current Generated During Micro-Milling of a Micro-Lens Mold
Kenta Mizuhara*,, Daisuke Nakamichi**, Wataru Yanagihara***, and Yasuhiro Kakinuma*

*Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan
Corresponding author
**Megaro Kako Co., Ltd.
Yaizu-shi, Japan
***Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
Shizuoka-shi, Japan
The demand for the mass production of micro-lens arrays (MLAs) is increasing. An MLA is fabricated through an injection molding process, and its mold is manufactured by a five-axis high-precision machine tool using a small diameter endmill. A visual examination is not available to judge the quality of the mold while machining. Therefore, an effective process monitoring technology must be developed. A promising approach is to apply a servomotor current to in-process monitoring because as long as the servomotor works well, no external sensors, capital investment, or maintenance processes are required. From this perspective, a machine learning-based shape error estimation method using only the servomotor current is proposed. To explore the relationship between the motor current generated during micro-milling and the shape error of the mold, the servomotor current in X-, Y-, and Z-axes was recorded, and the corresponding shape error of the MLA mold was measured after machining. Input data were prepared by converting time-domain servomotor current data to frequency-domain data using short-time Fourier transform and reducing the dimensions of the data via principal component analysis. In terms of a meaningful label for the output data, the average shape error in the machined area corresponding to each window was provided. The input/output relationships were used to train five different machine learning models, and the accuracy of shape error estimation using each model was evaluated. In addition, the estimation accuracies using the X-, Y-, and Z-axes were compared to find the axis that senses the shape error with the highest accuracy. The results show that the non-linear method using the X-axis servomotor current information closest to the machining point achieved the highest shape error estimation accuracy.
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