
IJAT Vol.15 No.3 pp. 335-342
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2021.p0335


Monitoring of Vibrations in Free-Form Surface Processing Using Ball Nose End Mill Tools with Wireless Tool Holder Systems

Takamasa Yamamoto*,†, Ryo Matsuda*, Masatoshi Shindou*, Toshiki Hirogaki**, and Eiichi Aoyama**

*Research and Development Group, Yamamoto Metal Technos Co., Ltd.
4-7 Setoguchi 2-chome, Hirano, Osaka 547-0034, Japan

Corresponding author

**Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Japan

July 9, 2020
February 17, 2021
May 5, 2021
wireless monitoring, tool holder, chatter vibration, ball nose end mill, process improvement

Monitoring technologies have attracted attention in the factory automation fields that rely on the Internet of Things (IoT). However, it is difficult to monitor the process information from a round machining tool during rotating operations. Therefore, we developed a novel tool holder equipped with a wireless communication function to monitor tool vibrations. In the present study, we attempt to measure the tool holder vibrations during ball nose end milling processes using the servo driving information for different machine tools. We demonstrate that, using the developed tool holder with a wireless system, it is feasible to improve the machined free form surface by considering the servo driving information.

Cite this article as:
T. Yamamoto, R. Matsuda, M. Shindou, T. Hirogaki, and E. Aoyama, “Monitoring of Vibrations in Free-Form Surface Processing Using Ball Nose End Mill Tools with Wireless Tool Holder Systems,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.15 No.3, pp. 335-342, 2021.
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