

JRM Best Paper Award 2023



Development of Haptic Interface for Neurosurgical Simulators with Micro Scissors Module for Displaying the Cutting Force

Teppei Tsujita, Yuto Inoue, Yutaka Takagi, Atsushi Konno, Satoko Abiko, Xin Jiang, Atsuhiro Nakagawa, and Masaru Uchiyama
Vol.34 no.6 p.1284-1296 2022

Teppei TsujitaYuto InoueYutaka TakagiAtsushi Konno
Teppei Tsujita
National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan
Yuto Inoue
Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan
Yutaka Takagi
Kajima Co., Ltd., Japan
Atsushi Konno
Hokkaido University, Japan
Satoko AbikoXin JiangAtsuhiro NakagawaMasaru Uchiyama
Satoko Abiko
Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
Xin Jiang
Harbin Institute of Technology, Japan
Atsuhiro Nakagawa
Tohoku University, Japan
Masaru Uchiyama
Tohoku University, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2023

Photo Award winners receive certificates with an honorarium. From the left: Mr. Yutaka Takagi (winner, Kajima Co., Ltd., Japan), Mr. Yuto Inoue (winner, Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan), Prof. Teppei Tsujita (winner, National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan), Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University, Japan).

JRM Best Paper Award 2023

Photo Winners, JRM editors, and publishing staffs participated in the ceremony. First line from the left: Mr. Yutaka Takagi (winner), Mr. Yuto Inoue (winner), Prof. Teppei Tsujita (winner), Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief). Second line from the left: Mr. Kunihiko Uchida (publisher), Prof. Akio Namiki (editor), Prof. Takayuki Tanaka (editor), Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (editor), Prof. Shinichi Yuta (editor), Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (publisher).


JRM Best Paper Award 2022



300-N Class Convex-Based Telescopic Manipulator and Trial for 3-DOF Parallel Mechanism Robot

Takashi Kei Saito, Kento Onodera, Riku Seino, Takashi Okawa, and Yasushi Saito
Vol.33 no.1 p.141-150 2021

Takashi Kei SaitoKento OnoderaRiku SeinoTakashi OkawaYasushi Saito
Takashi Kei Saito
Akita Prefectural University, Japan
Kento Onodera
Akita Prefectural University, Japan
Riku Seino
Akita Prefectural University, Japan
Takashi Okawa
Akita Prefectural University, Japan
Yasushi Saito
KYB-YS Co., Ltd., Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2022

Photo Award winners receive certificates with an honorarium. Left: Mr. Yasushi Saito (Winner, KYB-YS Co., Ltd., Japan). Center: Prof. Takashi Kei Saito (Winner, Akita Prefectural University, Japan). Right: Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University, Japan).

JRM Best Paper Award 2022

Photo Winners, JRM editors, and publishing staffs participated in the ceremony. First line from the left: Mr. Yasushi Saito (winner), Prof. Takashi Kei Saito (winner), Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief). Second line from the left: Mr. Kunihiko Uchida (publisher), Prof. Gentiane Venture, Prof. Shoichiro Fujisawa, Prof. Takayuki Tanaka, Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (publisher).


JRM Best Paper Award 2021



A MEMS Tactile Sensor with Fingerprint-Like Array of Contactors for High Resolution Visualization of Surface Distribution of Tactile Information

Kazuki Watatani, Kyohei Terao, Fusao Shimokawa, and Hidekuni Takao
Vol.32 no.2 p.305-314 2020

Kazuki WatataniKyohei TeraoFusao ShimokawaHidekuni Takao
Kazuki Watatani
Kagawa University, Japan
Kyohei Terao
Kagawa University, Japan
Fusao Shimokawa
Kagawa University, Japan
Hidekuni Takao
Kagawa University, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2021

Photo The award winners received certificates with an honorarium at the ceremony. From left to right: Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University, Japan), Mr. Kazuki Watatani (Winner, SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd. (current), Japan), Prof. Hidekuni Takao (Winner, Kagawa University, Japan), Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor, National Defence Academy of Japan, Japan).


JRM Best Paper Award 2020



Navigation Based on Metric Route Information in Places Where the Mobile Robot Visits for the First Time

Asahi Handa, Azumi Suzuki, Hisashi Date, Ryohsuke Mitsudome, Takashi Tsubouchi, and Akihisa Ohya
Vol.31 no.2 p.180-193 2019

Asahi HandaAzumi SuzukiHisashi Date
Asahi Handa
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Azumi Suzuki
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Hisashi Date
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Ryohsuke MitsudomeTakashi TsubouchiAkihisa Ohya
Ryohsuke Mitsudome
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Takashi Tsubouchi
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Akihisa Ohya
University of Tsukuba, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2020

Photo The award winners received certificates with an honorarium at the ceremony. From left to right: Mr. Azumi Suzuki (Winner, Tier IV, Inc. (current), Japan), Mr. Asahi Handa (Winner, Honda R&D Co., Ltd. (current), Japan), Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University, Japan), Prof. Hisashi Date (Winner/Editor, University of Tsukuba, Japan).


JRM Best Paper Award 2019



End-to-End Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation with Model-Based System Support

Alexander Carballo, Shunya Seiya, Jacob Lambert, Hatem Darweesh, Patiphon Narksri, Luis Yoichi Morales, Naoki Akai, Eijiro Takeuchi, and Kazuya Takeda
Vol.30 no.4 p.563-583 2018

Alexander CarballoShunya SeiyaJacob LambertHatem Darweesh
Alexander Carballo
Nagoya University, Japan
Shunya Seiya
Nagoya University, Japan
Jacob Lambert
Nagoya University, Japan
Hatem Darweesh
Nagoya University, Japan
Patiphon NarksriLuis Yoichi MoralesNaoki AkaiEijiro TakeuchiKazuya Takeda
Patiphon Narksri
Nagoya University, Japan
Luis Yoichi Morales
Nagoya University, Japan
Naoki Akai
Nagoya University, Japan
Eijiro Takeuchi
Nagoya University, Japan
Kazuya Takeda
Nagoya University, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2019

Photo The award winner received a certificate with an honorarium. Left: Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University, Japan). Right: Assist. Prof. Alexander Carballo (winner, Nagoya University, Japan).

JRM Best Paper Award 2019

Photo Winner, JRM editors, and publishing staffs participated in the ceremony. First line from the left: Prof. Koichi Osuka (Editor-in-Chief), Assist. Prof. Alexander Carballo (winner), Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (publisher). Second line from the left: Mr. Kunihiko Uchida (publisher), Prof. Shin’ichi Yuta, Prof. Yoshihiro Takita, Prof. Gentiane Venture, Prof. Masanori Idesawa, Prof. Shoichiro Fujisawa.


JRM Best Paper Award 2018



Spherical Video Stabilization by Estimating Rotation from Dense Optical Flow Fields

Sarthak Pathak, Alessandro Moro, Hiromitsu Fujii, Atsushi Yamashita, and Hajime Asama
Vol.29 no.3 p.566-579 2017

Sarthak PathakAlessandro MoroHiromitsu FujiiAtsushi YamashitaHajime Asama
Sarthak Pathak
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Alessandro Moro
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Hiromitsu Fujii
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Atsushi Yamashita
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Hajime Asama
The University of Tokyo, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2018

Photo Award winners receive certificates with an honorarium.   Left: Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (President, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., Japan).   Left-center: Prof. Atsushi Yamashita (Winner, The University of Tokyo, Japan).   Right-center: Dr. Sarthak Pathak (Winner, The University of Tokyo, Japan).   Right: Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor-in-Chief, National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan).

JRM Best Paper Award 2018

Photo Winners, JRM editors, and publishing staffs participated in the ceremony.   First line from the left: Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (publisher), Dr. Sarthak Pathak (winner), Prof. Atsushi Yamashita (winner), Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor-in-Chief).   Second line from the left: Prof. Hisashi Date, Prof. Masanori Idesawa, Prof. Koichi Osuka, Prof. Shin’ichi Yuta, Prof. Takashi Kawamura, Mr. Kunihiko Uchida (publisher), Mr. Naohiko Tanabe (publisher).


JRM Best Paper Award 2017



A Study of Power-Assist Technology to Reduce Body Burden During Loading and Unloading Operations by Support of Knee Joint Motion

Yoshihiko Naruoka, Naruaki Hiramitsu, and Yusuke Mitsuya
Vol.28 no.6 p.949-957 2016

Yoshihiko NaruokaNaruaki HiramitsuYusuke Mitsuya
Yoshihiko Naruoka
Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Naruaki Hiramitsu
Toshiba Corporation, Japan
Yusuke Mitsuya
Toshiba Corporation, Japan
JRM Best Paper Award 2017

Photo Left: Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (President, Fuji Technology Press Ltd., Japan) Left-center: Dr. Yusuke Mitsuya (the winner, Toshiba Corporation, Japan) Right-center: Dr. Naruaki Hiramitsu (the winner, Toshiba Corporation, Japan) Right: Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor-in-Chief, National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan)


JRM Best Paper Award 2016



A Wearable Haptic Device Based on Twisting Wire Actuators for Feedback of Tactile Pressure Information

M. Reza Motamedi, David Florant, and Vincent Duchaine
Vol.27 no.4 p.419-429 2015

M. Reza MotamediDavid FlorantVincent Duchaine
M. Reza Motamedi
École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
David Florant
École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
Vincent Duchaine
École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
JRM Best Paper Award 2016

Fig. Left: Prof. Vincent Duchaine (the winner, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Canada), Right: Dr. M. Reza Motamedi (the winner, Hypertherm Inc. (current), Canada)


JRM Best Paper Award 2015



Deformable Anchor Ball for Thrown Referring to Octopus Suckers

Hideyuki Tsukagoshi, Kazutaka Fuchigami, Eyri Watari, and Ato Kitagawa
Vol.26 no.4 p.477-485 2014

Hideyuki TsukagoshiKazutaka FuchigamiEyri WatariAto Kitagawa
Hideyuki Tsukagoshi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kazutaka Fuchigami
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Eyri Watari
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ato Kitagawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology
JRM Best Paper Award 2015

Fig. Left: Prof. Emeritus, Ato Kitagawa (the winner, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Center: Assoc. Prof. Hideyuki Tsukagoshi (the winner, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Right: Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor-in-Chief, National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan)


JRM Best Paper Award 2014



High-Speed Focusing and Tracking of Multisized Microbiological Objects

Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen, Kenichi Ohara, Yasushi Mae, and Tatsuo Arai
Vol.25 no.1 p.115-124 2013

Chanh-Nghiem NguyenKenichi OharaYasushi MaeTatsuo Arai
Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen
Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Kenichi Ohara
Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Yasushi Mae
Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Tatsuo Arai
Full Professor, Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
JRM Best Paper Award 2014

Fig. The winner and JRM editorial committee. From left: Prof. Kazuo Yamafuji, Prof. Thomas Bock, Prof. Tatsuo Arai (the winner), Prof. Yoshihiro Takita (Editor-in-Chief), Prof. Takashi Kawamura, and Prof. Masanori Idesawa


JRM Best Paper Award 2013

Not applicable


JRM Best Paper Award 2012



Development of Production Robot System that can Assemble Products with Cable and Connector

Rintaro Haraguchi, Yukiyasu Domae, Koji Shiratsuchi, Yasuo Kitaaki, Haruhisa Okuda, Akio Noda, Kazuhiko Sumi, Takayuki Matsuno, Shun’ichi Kaneko, and Toshio Fukuda
Vol.23 no.6 p.939-950 2011

Rintaro HaraguchiYukiyasu DomaeKoji ShiratsuchiYasuo KitaakiHaruhisa Okuda
Rintaro Haraguchi
Head Researcher, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yukiyasu Domae
Researcher, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Koji Shiratsuchi
Researcher, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yasuo Kitaaki
Researcher, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Haruhisa Okuda
Manager, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Akio NodaKazuhiko SumiTakayuki MatsunoShun’ichi KanekoToshio Fukuda
Akio Noda
Head Researcher, Advanced Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Kazuhiko Sumi
Professor, Department of Integrated Information Technology, Aoyama Gakuin University
Takayuki Matsuno
Lecturer, Intelligent Systems Design Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University
Shun’ichi Kaneko
Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University
Toshio Fukuda
Director of Center for Micro-Nano Mechatronics, Professor of Department of Micro-Nano System Engineering, Nagoya University
JRM Best Paper Award 2012

Fig. left: Prof. Tatsuo Arai (Editor-in-Chief, Osaka University), right: Dr. Rintaro Haraguchi (the winner, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)


JRM Best Paper Award 2011



Two-Dimensional Wireless Power Supply to Ubiquitous Robots Using Microwaves

Hiroyuki Shinoda, Yasutoshi Makino, Naoshi Yamahira, and Hiroto Itai
Vol.22 no.6 p.777-783 2010

Hiroyuki ShinodaYasutoshi MakinoNaoshi YamahiraHiroto Itai
Hiroyuki Shinoda
Associate Professor, Department of Information Physics and Computing, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Yasutoshi Makino
Keio University
Naoshi Yamahira
Research Engineer, Steel Research Laboratory
Hiroto Itai
Senior Researcher, Research Department, Cellcross Co., Ltd.
JRM Best Paper Award 2011

Fig. From left: Dr. Kitao Takahara (Fuji Technology Press), Assoc. Prof. Hiroyuki Shinoda (the winner), and Prof. Tatsuo Arai (Editor-in-Chief)


JRM Best Paper Award 2010



A Study on Adaptive Arch Structure Applying Variable Geometry Truss (Mechanism of Movable Arch Roof with External Panel)

Fumihiro Inoue
Vol.21 no.2 p.172-178 2009

Fumihiro Inoue
Fumihiro Inoue
Senior Research Engineer, Professional Engineer (Mechanical Engineering), Technical Research Institute Obayashi Corporation
JRM Best Paper Award 2010

Fig. From left: Prof. Tatsuo Arai, Dr. Fumihiro Inoue, and Dr. Kitao Takahara, Fuji Technology Press.


JRM Best Paper Award 2009



Ciliary Vibration Drive Mechanism for Active Scope Cameras

Masashi Konyo, Kazuya Isaki, Kazunari Hatazaki, Satoshi Tadokoro, and Fumiaki Takemura
Vol.20 no.3 p.490-499 2008

Masashi KonyoKazuya IsakiKazunari HatazakiSatoshi TadokoroFumiaki Takemura
Masashi Konyo
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Kazuya Isaki
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Kazunari Hatazaki
Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku University
Satoshi Tadokoro
Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Fumiaki Takemura
Associate Professor, Okinawa National College of Technology
JRM Best Paper Award 2009

Fig. From left: Prof. Tatsuo Arai, Assoc. Prof. Masashi Konyo, and Shigeyuki Suzuki, Adviser, Fuji Technology Press.


JRM Best Paper Award 2008



Development of a Quadruped Walking Robot TITAN XI for Steep Slope Operation - Step Over Gait to Avoid Concrete Frames on Steep Slopes -

Ryuichi Hodoshima, Takahiro Doi, Yasushi Fukuda, Shigeo Hirose, Toshihito Okamoto, and Junichi Mori
Vol.19 no.1 p.13-26 2007

Ryuichi HodoshimaTakahiro DoiYasushi FukudaShigeo HiroseToshihito OkamotoJunichi Mori
Ryuichi Hodoshima
Dr., National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster
Takahiro Doi
Ph.D.Eng. Assistant Professor, Department of Robotics, College of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Yasushi Fukuda
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Tamagawa University
Shigeo Hirose
Dr. Eng. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toshihito Okamoto
CEO of Taisho Kensetu Corporation
Junichi Mori
Technological Development Office of Taisho Kensetu Corporation
JRM Best Paper Award 2008

Fig. From left: Prof. Tatsuo Arai, Editor in Chief; Prof. Shigeo Hirose; Dr. Ryuichi Hodoshima; and Mr. Shigeyuki Suzuki, Adviser, Fuji Technology Press.

A word from the Editor-in-Chief to the awardees

To all our prize winners:

Congratulations on having won the JRM Best Paper Award for 2008. We are especially happy this year, as it marks JRM’s 20th anniversary. I am convinced that our being able to award such excellent work as we celebrate this auspicious occasion signifies both a turning point and giant step ahead for JRM. The prize-winning work was selected from among Volume 19 published in 2007.
This volume was composed of 88 high-quality research papers, but from among the many excellent candidates one work was chosen not only for its innovation and usefulness, but for its truly unique quality. Perhaps it can be called a fitting work to crown JRM’s 20th Anniversary.

This year’s prize selection was done through the participation of all Japanese members of the editorial board. Our Editor-in-Chief and the guest editors of the special issues selected one or two candidates from each number of Volume 19. These works were then further narrowed down to seven through a careful selection and evaluation process. From among these seven, the February 2009 meeting of the Editorial Board finally came to an agreement on the work most deserving of the grand prize.

It is my sincere hope that all the prize winners continue to develop in the future, and that JRM continues to make great strides with you. Lastly, to the members of Fuji Technology Press, Robotics and Mechatronics Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, and to the entire editorial staff, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation.

Tatsuo Arai, Prof.
Editor in Chief

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Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025