
Call for 2024 MURAKAMI Suminao Award for Disaster Research Nominations

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Candidate for nomination
Anyone whose work in the Journal of Disaster Research (JDR) has contributed greatly to
progress in disaster research is eligible to be nominated for the MURAKAMI Suminao Award.
The nominee may be an author, a guest editor of a special issue, or a reviewer in JDR. No
limitations are placed on the date or period of the achievement being considered.


The JDR Editorial Board evaluates nominees and selects one winner at maximum each year.


The winner of the Award will be notified in autumn each year. The winner will be invited to the
award ceremony and will receive a certificate and a commemorative gift. The winner’s name,
the reasons for the Award, and the selection process will be published in the JDR and on its


Nominating a Candidate
Anyone can be nominated for this Award by posting or emailing a nomination form to the
following address/email address. The nomination form can be downloaded on the Award


Nomination Deadline
Nominations for this Award must reach the following postal/email address by
May 15, 2024 (Friday) Japan time.


Nomination form: 

arrowms_word MurakamiAward_Nomination_Form.docx

Send nomination forms to the following destination:
JDR Editorial Office, Fuji Technology Press Ltd.
Ichigo Otemachi North Bldg. 2F
1-15-7 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5577-3851 / Fax: +81-3-5577-3861
*Note: Write “MURAKAMI Award Nominee” in the email title field or as the first line of the postal mail address.


Award Website:


Any paper published in the JDR can be downloaded online at the JDR Website for free.
Most downloaded papers during a month may be accessed at

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Last updated on Sep. 20, 2024